Today’s Google Logo Explained

Ken AshfordRandom MusingsLeave a Comment

As most people know, the Google logo on the main Google search page is often changed to note a holiday or significant event.  

Admittedly, sometimes the occasion is a bit random… like last week, when this showed up on September 5


That was to honor Freddie Mercury's 65th birthday.

And a few weeks before that, we saw


in honor of Lucille Ball's 100th birthday.

Today's Google logo…


is probably the most random and obscure of any Google logo…. ever.

It is there to celebrate the 118th (118th?) birthday of Albert Szent-Györgyi.


Szent-Györgyi was a Hungarian physiologist and Nobel laureate who, in the 1930s, discovered Vitamin C. He would later research muscle movement and development and was active in the Hungarian resistance during World War II.

Vitamin C…. hence, the oranges.

Worth noting: Delicious citrus fruits aside, Szent-Györgyi first extracted Vitamin C from paprika.

Anyway, that's the 411.  Enjoy other quirky Google logos here.