Jesus Loves Mrs. Turner’s Baby More Than Yours

Ken AshfordGodstuffLeave a Comment

We’ve delighted in the appearances of Jeebus and the Blessed Virgin Mary in pasta dishes, burnt toast, tree trunks, water stains, drywall, grilled chess sandwiches, potato chips, and dripped chocolate.

Now, He’s showing up . . . in a womb.  Here’s the ultrasound of Laura Turner of Warwickshire, England:


Now, with all due respect to Mrs. Turner, it’s great that the Our Lord and Savior has manifested himself in your belly.  Well done.

But what does this say about the millions of other pregnant women who don’t have Christ in the uterus?  Has God foresaken their children?  Just wondering…

UPDATE:  Oh, He’s EVERYWHERE!  He’s just like those gremlins in that movie whose name I can’t recall (it began with a "G") — even in our medical equipment!

Why do I say that?  Well, aside from showing up in an ultrasound in England, He is also on an MRI scan in Pittburgh.


Where will he show up next?  A tomato being sold on e-BayA shrimp in San Jose?