Inside The Pod’s Mind

Ken AshfordRight Wing Punditry/IdiocyLeave a Comment

Die-hard conservatives are absolutely blown away with praise for Oliver Stone’s new movie "World Trade Center", which tells the true story of two NYC policemen trapped in the rubble of WTC on 9/11.

Cal Thomas, for example, calls it one of the great Hollywood movies of all time, writing:

Whatever one thinks of Oliver Stone, the man knows how to make movies. This is one of his best. It deserves an Oscar in so many categories. It also deserves the thanks of a grateful nation. Go and see it beginning Aug. 9 and make him a large profit so he might consider inspiring us again, as his predecessors so often did during Hollywood’s Golden Age.

Other praise from conservatives here and here.

Enter, the Corner’s John Podheretz, who reveals his true colors by saying:

Nonetheless, because "World Trade Center" tells a story of joyous survival rather than a story of death, it is a fundamental falsification of the meaning of 9/11 – even though the story it tells is true.

He adds:

…that is not what 9/11 was about – 9/11 was a day of barbaric mass murder, not a day of hope.

Ironically, in the same column, he heaps praise on the movie "United 93", which he casts as a tale about "survival".  Not death, but the opposite.

I almost feel sorry for someone who is stuck on fear, tragedy, and sorrow.  9/11 was obviously a tragedy — but seriously, do we need a movie to remind us of that?  Just as the Holocaust contained stories like the one told in "Schindler’s List", 9/11 also exemplified what is good about America, and there’s certainly nothing wrong with a movie about that.  But if it were up to Pod, a 9/11 movie would be just about adversity (bodies jumping from skyscrapers), and not about triumph in spite of adversity (men surviving in the rubble).  Says something rather ugly about the man.